domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

Psoriasis in dermatological practices.

Low prescription rate for systemic treatments in the management of severe psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritis in dermatological practices in Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany: results from a patient registry



Many treatment options are available for the management of psoriasis vulgaris. However, detailed data on prescription behaviour in Germany, especially with regard to the use of new treatment options (e.g. biologics) in private practices, are lacking. 


To assess the treatment choices being made in the management of psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritis in private dermatological practices. Methods 

We established a patient registry that documented the treatment decisions taken during 4797 patient visits between January 2006 and September 2006 with regard to disease activity and concomitant psoriatic arthritis. 


Corticosteroids were the most frequently prescribed topical treatment, and methotrexate and fumaric acid esters were the most frequently prescribed systemic treatments. Biologics were prescribed in only 2% of patient visits. Systemic treatments were prescribed in only 31% of visits made by patients suffering from moderate to severe psoriasis (which was diagnosed in 48% of all patient visits) and in only 58% of visits made by patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis (which was diagnosed in 12% of all patient visits). 


Anti-psoriatic treatment was too often limited to topical agents. The rather small percentage of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis who received systemic therapy indicates that the use of systemic treatments in our sample was too restrictive. Novel therapeutic options such as biologics were rarely used in private practices. New strategies to improve the quality of care provided to patients suffering from severe psoriasis are needed.

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